Two Weeks to Go: Thailand Here I Come?

The past term has been a bit crazy! I'm now teaching eight hours of classes. Working an eight hour day is normally not a big deal. It's normal right? But, with my chopped up 6am- 9pm schedule, I'm super tired and can't wait until next term (only two weeks away), when I will only teach seven hours (at hopefully normal hours).
Anyways.. Several months ago my friends and I began planning a trip to Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong. We thought we were all settled and ready to go when the travel agency called me into their office for some "information."
Once I got there they told me we had a problem and that their parent company was going to charge us an extra 400,000 won (about $400) in fees for the trip. The reason for this charge? Simply because we are American. Apparently it is a common practice to charge Americans and Canadians more for hotel rooms simply because we are American or Canadian. Needless to say, we were upset.
We have since canceled our way-to-expensive trip to Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong and will probably just go to Thailand or Hong Kong. Either way, I'm ready for a break!
Relaxing with a cup of tea is much more exciting in Korea. Pictured above is a traditional tea house, complete with tea pots on the roof.
Huh ????
I am sure Singapore does not practice such discrimination.
Tourists and locals are all treated no differently.
I think it is moreso Thailand.. and/or the Korean travel company that I'm working with. We thought about going to Singapore only, but now the prices are SOOO high.. :(
I'm sorry your trip had to be shortened. So many things to be aware of, that is one I hadn't heard of.
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